Saturday, August 23, 2008

films franchise

I have for some time now wanted to start a school of traveling actors who do good deeds, get into strange situations, and do improvised (or premeditated) public performances.

I thought that using a simple franchise- guardians of paradise would be great, though possibly copyrighted- and posting the videos online (and maybe sell DVDs also) would be an awesome first step. I envision it something like the Jackass movies, only with less idiocy and more volunteering in war zones (always a prime place for a video camera).

This is a good idea because:
Everyone likes to be in movies, because it destroys inhibitions, enhances creativity, and gives yo a rush
It would be a great way to take vacations together and document them
Several people planning a trip (of any duration) involving something worth filming would be so much more worthwhile than just hanging out at the beach every year.

I'll try to work out the bugs, finding enough writers and planners would definitely be the biggest problem, but planning is easier when there are many to do it!

Hope this one happens.