Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello again, and here we are with another installment!
It seemed Besides the Lovely Malferma, nobody wanted to help with researching cold water ship technology. My attemts to contact Craven, the inventor of the hurricane tower, have met with failure. However, the pledge of money stands should someone become interested.
I have a new Idea now, and Hereby pledge 5000$ to the following project:
In the event that society collapses, it will become more and more important to have a personal food source. Already there have been marked food shortages worldwide as droughts and increased meat consumption drive food prices beyond the availability of the worlds' poorest consumers. Meanwhile, local farmers in the west are often barely able to remain debt free while supporting a modern lifestyle.

In the event of increased food shortages, subsistance farming through land ownership may become a growth industry. At the current rate of world population growth, this is almost inevitable given enough time.

Fortunately, when more people live on a productive piece of property, such as an integrated or permaculture farm, more is produced. The New world enterprises Land trust is dedicated to buying a piece of property somewhere in the world and beginning a farm according to the wishes of those who pay for it and chose to live there.

I am certainly willing to donate more than this initial contribution, but that is dependant on outside interest. Again, please leave a comment if you would like to contribute to this scheme.