This would be a simple idea- a nonprofit organization that payed a 50% commission to employees in order to raise money for charitable causes. A simple website would be enough, getting an account would be synonymous with getting hired on. Members could legally use the organization's lotto license, would get help with fund raising ideas, etc. If this basic design was implemented, one could add lots of bells and whistles, For example, if one raises a large amount of money, one can start one's own charitable cause under the organizations legal banner, A multi-level marketing option could be introduced... The basic idea is to get people to work for their own interests and still raise money for charity.
Monday, May 21, 2007
greed based charity
Collective farm
I'm not certain of the legalities involved in forming a collective, but I had the idea that this could really help land reform over time. This idea needs some serious editing, but the basic is as follows: Anyone can join their property to the collective and live on it free in perpetuity. profit from the property is added to a trust and taxes are paid from the trust. Whatever the leftover money is used for depends on the votes of the members – although whoever contributes money to the trust can put as many limits as they like on its use- for example, if John mason contributes 20 000$, and 19 000 are left after taxes are paid, then he can limit its use to “buying fertilizer and replacing farm equipment in the Okanagan Valley”. For this Idea to be worth the time, the Collective would have to at least get The Mineral rights to its own property. As well, Money contributed to the collective during the last season should have some influence on how many votes members have. I'd appreciate input on this idea!
Vernacular transport
This would be another company based mostly on a website and a good informatin gathering/processing program. The setup would be as follows: anyone can put in an order to ship something by a given date. The program then compares all possible transportation offers along this route and finds the lowest final price possible, collecting perhaps a 5% commission in the process. The advantage would be that since transport companies at the moment all compete with each other, they often have more freight than they can move immediately or travel without moving their maximum capacity of goods. Sharing information and contracts between them would save everyone money. Trustworthy individuals could also become involved. For example, to ship an item weighing even a few pounds overseas is quite expensive. International travelers often have extra weight allowance in their luggage that they do not use. Paying such people to carry items along routes they are taking anyway would further streamline transportation.
Monday, May 14, 2007
school ships
The basic setup is a combination between a school ship and a cruise ship. certifications would be available for anyone who wants to take an onboard exam. the exams should be stringent, but entirely an optional aspect for passengers and crew
gardening would be encouraged, and the surface of the ship would be covered in vegitation (the exact nature of the vegitation would be up to the crew, but fruit trees and flowers seem the most obvious). Mushroom farms would be used on lower levels to help process human waste.
Ships would be Hydrogen powered, and able to produce their own fuel from seawater. I am trying to collect more information on the feasability of hurricane towers as an actual energy source when at sea. In any case, cold-water technology would be used for air conditioning and irrigation, as well as a source for fresh water.
Ideally, passengers and crew would take some basic medical courses while on the seas, and perform philanthropic work in third world countries, but this would be up to the crew and how it decides to promote its cruises.
they say your life's ambition should never be to build ships. Oh well... I'll be back to add to this one.